The mention of Sibiu put me in a reverie. I spent a week there and loved it. Great food, great people, and great museums. This is coming along very nicely. It’s very atmospheric and chilling, and it’s becoming quite epic with all these locations that are very credibly recreated.
I caught one passage at the beginning that looked like it might have been a typo: “...with Germany’s misfortunes began to accumulate in the fateful summer of 1943, he found the answer.” Should that have been “*when* Germany’s misfortunes”?
Thanks. I had more about the city in book #1, but all of these places tie in nicely with the story. That particular subplot is one that didn’t make it into the story until I was a couple of drafts deep, but it’s one that I really like.
The mention of Sibiu put me in a reverie. I spent a week there and loved it. Great food, great people, and great museums. This is coming along very nicely. It’s very atmospheric and chilling, and it’s becoming quite epic with all these locations that are very credibly recreated.
I caught one passage at the beginning that looked like it might have been a typo: “...with Germany’s misfortunes began to accumulate in the fateful summer of 1943, he found the answer.” Should that have been “*when* Germany’s misfortunes”?
Thanks. I had more about the city in book #1, but all of these places tie in nicely with the story. That particular subplot is one that didn’t make it into the story until I was a couple of drafts deep, but it’s one that I really like.